1) To search and replace in vi, you need not enter inside the file at all:
sed does the magic for you from command prompt itself. Tip
2) To alter the order of the columns in a file and write the output to another file:
awk '{print $3" "$1" "$2}' filename > newfilename
above example takes a 3-columned file and changes the order as 1st col
as 2nd, 2nd as 3rd and 3rd as 1st and writes the output to newfilename.
There is no space between the double quotes and column indices. $n
stands for specific column in the file in awk terminology. I am not sure
if giving same source filename as the destination is going to work.
3) To check if the first column of a line in a file is some character and if yes, print the entire line:
awk '{if ($1~/e/) print $0}' filename
the first column has only one character throughout. $1 indicates the
first column. In this specific example, if the first column contains a
single character 'e', the command prints the entire line, indicated by
$0. The single character can be replaced by a word too and there is no
need for quotes around the word or character to be searched. There is no
need for space around '~' character.
The default delimiter is space character. If you want to give a different delimiter, add
-F\<delimter>. If the field you are comparing is a number, can give numeric relational operators in if condition like ==, !=, > etc.
4) Similar to case3 above, but to give more than one condition in the
if statement:
awk '{if (($1 ~ /e/) || ($1~/b/)) print $0}' filename
two important differences between case3 and case4. There are now
enclosing '/' present around characters to be searched for and there is a
logical OR sign '||'.
5) To search and replace character(s) from command prompt on a bunch
of files :
for((i=1;i<=30;i++)); do
sed -e 's/t:/ /g' filename$i > newfilename$i ; done
For 30 files that all have common prefix, search for character 't:' and replace them with a single space and write the output to a newfile with the same number
6) Aug
13, 2013: To add a column of numbers generated as a result of say some intermediate linux util commands,
grep 'nonworkingset' tobedel|cut -f2 -d:|awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum}'
The first two commands take care of getting just the list of numbers. Note that if capitalize sum then you should do it uniformly across the entire command.